Employee Efficiency Accelerators

The Power of Empathy, Automation, and AI

In boardrooms, exec touch bases, and nearly every client call I’m on, everyone’s thinking about how to supercharge employee efficiency and reduce costs. Organizations are on the hunt for tools and processes that let them accomplish more without pushing employees to the brink or blowing their budgets. Every good solution I’ve seen has started with an empathetic view of the employee experience. Which tasks are unnecessarily hard? What bottlenecks slow people down? What can you automate and streamline to help your team? Where can AI scale human potential and cut spend? The answers to these questions will point the way to powerful savings and efficiency opportunities.

(This is blog 3 in a series on key priorities for business and tech leaders. In my last blog, I talked about digital modernization, including integrating data and systems–which everything I’m about to discuss will 100% require!)

Reimagining experiences around employee needs

Outdated tools and processes that were built largely around organizational silos are hurting productivity. But it’s not as simple as replacing old tools with new ones. First, you have to understand what your employees actually need!

This requires looking at how different types of team members spend their days. What are their most important tasks and how are they getting those things done? Sometimes, you’ll find a need as simple as additional training or upskilling. In other cases, you might find opportunities to improve communications, tweak processes, or introduce new tools. One need I see frequently (with our clients and as a consumer) is more flexible, user-friendly tools for employees in the field. Your workers should be able to access and share information and complete critical tasks wherever they are. Whether on a remote job site, at a retail counter, meeting with a potential customer, or simply working from home, everyday duties shouldn’t require extraordinary effort!

On the flip side, better understanding how your employees work can reveal where you’re wasting time and money on tools your employees don’t actually benefit from. Frequently we find two (or more!) systems where only one is needed. Eliminating and consolidating systems can be an easy way to directly improve your bottom line.

Once you address and focus on your team’s real needs, you’ll quickly see cost savings and employee efficiency rise. Gains in engagement, productivity, and retention will follow. Ultimately, you’ll be helping your employees to ensure better customer and student experiences, providing a win all around.

Empowering employee efficiency with self-service tools

After so much frustrating supply chain disruption and constantly fluctuating prices, consumers are paying super close attention to product and service reliability and pricing. This means we as leaders must focus attention on internal predictability and employee efficiency. Yet, I still come across employees unable to complete routine activities without assistance or permission from management, IT, or other overburdened departments. These employees require increased self-service features. While a real need for oversight or access limitations can exist, unnecessary permission bottlenecks have to go. From employee-led shift swapping to going beyond dashboards and reports to insights and suggestions, your employees need easy-to-use technology that allows them to take ownership of their work and operate without constant disruption.

Automating processes to free up teams for higher level work

In many organizations, highly manual (and painful!) workflows have led to incoherent data and inconsistent results. These problems requires an intentional shift towards repeatable processes with automation at the forefront. When you free employees from these time-intensive tasks, they can refocus on higher value work that benefits your business and customers.

Automation can also reduce acquisition costs and increase the long-term value of each connection. Education specifically has a large need to increase marketing efficiencies and automate communications across the student journey. Rather than relying on overloaded staff (particularly for straightforward messages and reminders), institutions can use automation to deliver the right information to the right learners at the right time in their journey. But watch out! Carefully designed, these automated flows can be delightful. When done poorly, it can cost you the trust of your customer, which is never cheap to rebuild.

Initiating AI-human partnerships

New AI tools are launching at a whirlwind pace, and I’m so excited to see businesses putting them to use! AI-human partnerships promise to accelerate product development, helping with everything from sorting user feedback, to writing Jira tickets, to coding with GitHub’s copilot.

Scaling support services and monitoring customer sentiment is another huge opportunity for using AI to increase employee efficiency. By strategically moving customers from FAQs to an AI chatbot to human support, organizations can scale support services while managing quality and cost as well as directing employee focus to advanced problems.

As for education, there’s ample potential for AI to accelerate staff processes and workflows in areas like:

  • Creating personalized custom experiences (1:1 content) for students
  • Reducing the costs of course design via AI authoring & modules
  • Accelerating presentation creation
  • Delivering student support services with less labor
  • Doing predictive modeling of student outcomes

In every industry, leaders need to think creatively and seriously about AI to stay ahead of the curve. As an internal team or with the support of outside experts, you need to start identifying use cases, setting up governance plans, and working with security and architecture departments to implement intelligent solutions that support teams across the business.

Want to share your thoughts on topics like employee efficiency, AI, and self-service?

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This CEO Report was written by Tracey Zimmerman, President & CEO of Robots & Pencils.

How to Drive Innovation With User-Centered Design and Agile Development

Perhaps this story is familiar to you…

Your team has been tasked with designing and building a groundbreaking software product that focuses on putting the end user — the person who will use the product — at the center of the design and development process. The stakeholders want it delivered within 12 months.

Six months into the project, the hunger for innovative, user-centered features seems to wane.

The delivery team adopts a rapid agile cadence that values predictable delivery dates and velocity rather than experimentation to find the best solution for the user.

The design team attempts to get ahead of development in order to ensure user insights lead the build of new features. Unfortunately, priorities shift after each deployment, and much of that work gets thrown away.

Over time, a chasm forms between user-centered advocates and delivery. Their ideas are just too risky and unpredictable for the mission: get the next release out the door.

An all too familiar tale, but with an ending we can change. I think there is a way to get the most out of the user-centered design and Agile processes while keeping to budgets, timelines, and a consistent delivery cycles.

First, though, why is this tale all too familiar?

A bias towards reliability and predictability

We’re naturally inclined to have a bias towards reliability, predictability and reducing risk. And Agile development does this by design.

The sprint-based nature of Agile development makes its output extremely predictable — yielding releases every couple of weeks. But it works best when requirements are understood upfront and can be accurately estimated.

However, teams often overestimate new features and unfamiliar technical challenges to account for the delivery uncertainty. This results in teams prioritizing the most predictable features over the most innovative ones.

In contrast, user-centered design focuses on the people who will use the software, and how they can easily and efficiently achieve their goals. It leverages primary research — actually getting insights and feedback from future users — to discover previously unknown friction points in the user experience. It seeds the invention of new experiences that offer that far better way.

While some of the ideas that come from this process can offer a 10x improvement in the experience, they are also unproven and often unfettered by technical and business process constraints. The discovery-driven nature of the process makes the output impossible to predict.

An incompatible match

The issue is that user-centered design and Agile development are incompatible.

  • User-centered design aims for maximal astonishment — let’s see if our users can tell us something we didn’t know.
  • Agile aims for minimal astonishment — let’s have as few surprises in our development process as possible.

To steal a concept from physics, user-centered design prioritizes voltage — a measure of potential energy. Agile development prioritizes amperage — a measure of the flow of current.

And in the same way that you wouldn’t want to plug your TV into a high-voltage power line, the friction between Agile and user-centered design comes when you directly connect the two methodologies.

While the results might be less spectacular than an exploding TV, the failures are just as predictable:

  • Innovative ideas lag development timelines and create project delays.
  • Innovative ideas get chopped in favor of timelines.
  • Through long hours, a talented team squeezes in a couple of extra features deemed “top priority.”

In all three cases, the drive for innovation eventually wanes:

  • Unmet delivery promises undermine organizational and investor trust in the team’s ability.
  • Continuous cutting of new ideas demoralizes the team into a “good enough” mentality and opens up questions about the ROI of exploring innovative ideas to begin with.
  • Unsustainable hours create organizational churn and the talent carrying the greatest load walk out the door.

Still in order to successfully invent new user-centered solutions AND deliver them, we need the strength of both. We need a way to convert the high potential energy output of user-centered design into the high current that the Agile process demands.

Treat user-centered design as investigation, not validation

User-centered design is a process that requires a lack of preconceptions and an open mind. The goal is to understand the root causes of user behavior in order to formulate a new, better approach. Keeping a hypothetical solution in mind through the process creates a cycle that reinforces our original assumptions and often blinds us to other opportunities.

So, when a request comes in to “redesign an app,” start by abstracting that request into the underlying goals that the user accomplishes while using the app. Then, use primary research to validate that those goals are real and dig into how they are accomplished today. You may learn that users don’t care about what you think they do. You might also learn that an app isn’t even the right enabler for their goal.

At the end of this process, you will get a list of things to build that will improve the user’s experience. They just might not be the ones you expected.

Only feed de-risked features into the Agile process

In order to keep the Agile delivery process moving efficiently, ensure that any proposed features/stories are well understood both in terms of their requirements as well as their technical complexity.

sprint estimation and planning diagram

Before ever estimating a feature, you should know:

  1. That implementing the feature will generally increase user perception of the experience
  2. The way to solve any key technical or data hurdles
  3. Confidently, how long the feature will take to build

If a feature doesn’t meet all of those criteria, then it could easily derail the predictability that is the key benefit of Agile development.

De-risking features enables teams to estimate without fear because the basic how of implementation is already well understood.

Use experimentation to connect user-centered design and Agile

The un-vetted output of user-centered design makes it a poor input into an Agile process that works best with low risk requirements. To bridge the two, we need an intermediary process that takes fledgling ideas and systematically de-risks, prioritizes and roadmaps them at a program level.

This middle phase — experimentation — acts as the glue.

user-centered design and experimentation process diagram

Prototype, test and rapidly iterate on proof of concepts (POCs) with users to ensure that your features will have the desired impact on the user experience. These experiments provide a view into the potential ROI. By providing a clearer picture into the new experience, they also can generate investment interest at the executive level.

Similarly, technology experiments (often referred to as technical design spikes) can be used to de-risk complex technical and data problems. In this phase, the priority is not delivering a minimum viable product. Instead, the goal is taking the riskiest assumption and exploring the solution space.

At the end of experimentation, these pre-vetted features can be fully story-mapped and prioritized for delivery — the perfect input to the Agile delivery phase.

Run all three phases concurrently as an innovation program

While the experimentation phase ensures compatibility between user-centered design and Agile, it is important to note that these methods run at different speeds.

  • User-centered design takes a long time to conduct, but yields a high volume of opportunities.
  • Experimentation can be done quickly but the output may or may not produce viable results.
  • Agile generates small chunks of production-ready functionality at a regular pace.
User-centered design and innovation program diagram

To keep all processes operating at full speed, allow each of these phases to run independently and concurrently over time. Each phase generates a queue of work for the next. User-entered design creates a queue of experiments. At the same time, experimentation creates a queue of user-vetted, de-risked features for implementation.

With a never-ending list of to-dos in all three work streams, the program will operate at full efficiency. And innovative, user-centered features will flow like clockwork into your products and experiences.

Tyler Klein is the Executive Experience Director at Robots and Pencils. Physics major turned HCI specialist, he uses what’s new to build what’s next and offers far better ways to interact with the world around us. Special thanks to Chris Chew, Jamie Reid, Mike Greening, Reid Sheppard and Aaron Slepecky for their contributions.