
Improving student experiences with Slack and Salesforce

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Built by Robots & Pencils, 2U’s Slack student app lets 2U provide fast, high-quality learner support, with data tracked via a Slack-Salesforce integration.

Human Need

2U wanted to find a way to utilize their existing Slack and Salesforce technology to deliver high-quality support to students in their boot camps. Through using these systems, they sought to facilitate quicker, more efficient responses to student requests. Most importantly, they wanted to demonstrably improve the overall student experience.

With our new Slack app, we centralized a large segment of our processes and reduced the workload of our support teams, which was a big efficiency win. When we integrated our custom Slack app with Salesforce, we were able to get a holistic view of the student experience end-to-end. It really was the perfect pairing.

Amanda Powers photo
Amanda Powers

2U Platform Product Manager

Digital Solution

Robots & Pencils teamed up with 2U to design a student Slack app. With this app, learners can easily ask for help about curriculum topics or assignments while using Slack.

Once a student requests help, the Slack bot alerts a 2U learning assistant. The learning assistant then can respond rapidly inside Slack. Based on the specific request, they offer students the option to discuss the issue via chat or video call. When a learning assistant marks a student issue as resolved, the Slack app immediately prompts the student to give feedback on the support provided.

Data about every support request and interaction is tracked in Salesforce. 2U uses this data to track response time, monitor support quality and volume, identify common student needs, inform course improvements, adjust staffing plans, and more.

A Far Better Way

In the first 9 months alone, learning assistants used the Slack app to help students with 45K+ issues. Students are receiving the support they need in under 30 minutes, with an average satisfaction rating of 4.5 of 5 stars.

At A Glance

45K+ issues addressed via the student Slack app in the first 9 months alone

30 minutes or less response time to student requests

4.5 average satisfaction rating for support provided (out of 5 stars)