In the News Posts

Future Frontiers: Women Redefining the Innovation Landscape
Join us as top female innovators share their insights and most impactful lessons learned. Hosted by Robots & Pencils President & CEO, Tracey Zimmerman, featuring panelists who bring diverse industry expertise from retail to financial services, travel to education. After the panel, you can dive into the conversation with a Q&A session open to all attendees.

On-Demand Video: The Future of Mobile Apps
Mobile apps aren’t just for user convenience – they are catalysts for digital innovation, driving shifts in how individual businesses and entire industries operate. In this presentation, our Mobile Practice Lead Quinn Thomson explores how apps continue to transform sectors from transportation to healthcare and unleash unparalleled disruption in their wake.

Robots & Pencils at EDUCAUSE
Sign up to meet with our edtech experts at the annual EDUCAUSE conference!